The Southern Rainbow Skink or Four Fingered Skink as it is called in the ACT is grey to dark brown with a series of pale flecks along the back and onto the tail. Breeding males have an aqua lateral stripe bordered above and below by orange stripes. It is the only medium-sized skink with four fingers and five toes in the area. The Dwarf Skink (Menetia greyii) also has four fingers but is smaller and has thin black and pale lateral stripes. The Southern Rainbow Skink grows to 64 mm snout to vent and is common in urban gardens and open grassy woodlands where it shelters beneath leaf litter, fallen timber and surface rocks. The Southern Rainbow Skink is also common in agricultural areas and responds well to grazing regimes that allow native grass species to mature. It also readily colonises tree plantings. When it forages, it waves its tail back and forth and over its body as a tactic to confuse its prey.
Carlia tetradactyla is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | Central West NSW