Body colour is reddish brown with a zigzag or ‘zipper’- like pattern along the body and onto the tail. The tail is short and plump. It grows to 50 mm SVL and live on the ground where it is active during warm evenings. Found in Dry forest and grassy box woodland where it shelters beneath rocks, exfoliating bark of fallen dead trees, fallen timber and ground debris. The stone gecko is often found in pairs or small aggregations. This may be a result of limited shelter-sites or it could indicate breeding behaviour. Considerable variation in the body pattern exists among the stone gecko. This species often shelters beneath a favourite set of rocks. Well used shelter-sites will contain a number of shed skins suggesting long-term residency. Illegal bush rock removal and disturbance can have a significant impact on the habitat of this species.
Diplodactylus vittatus is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | New England
Albury Nail Can Hill