The Ragged Snake-eyed Skink is light to dark grey with a series of pale and dark flecks over the back and onto the tail. The limbs and digits are elongated, and the body is flattened. It grows to 40 mm and is arboreal (tree-dwelling) and saxicolous (rock-dwelling), although it can be found on fallen timber and occasionally on the ground. It is a fast-moving species often disappearing in a crevice if disturbed. The Ragged Snake-eyed Skink is one of the most abundant reptile species in the area, often found in the older parts of the city where large numbers can be found basking on the walls of buildings during warm weather. In areas with high amounts of fallen timber, densities may exceed several hundred individuals per hectare. Similar members of this genus of lizards have been known to sit near ant trails and steal food items that are being carried by the ants back to their nests.
Cryptoblepharus pannosus is listed in the following regions:
Albury, Wodonga | Central West NSW
Cryptoblepharus carnabyi